If I am purchasing or selling a home, should I hire an attorney to oversee the process?
Definitely! Since you will be signing contracts and other legal documents, it is very important to hire an attorney to protect your interests and ensure that your legal rights are protected. There is no other professional involved in your home sale or purchase who is looking out only for you.
What should I do before purchasing a home?
You should do your homework and perform as much due diligence as possible. This would include obtaining comparable sales in the neighborhood, so as to evaluate what price you should offer, and becoming familiar with the neighborhood and schools. It is always best to receive advice from a real estate attorney before signing a contract to purchase.
Once a purchase contract is entered into, what steps should be taken?
Your attorney can prepare a timeline to make you aware of important time deadlines contained in the contract. These will include performing home inspections, obtaining a municipal lien search report, examining title, ordering a survey, ensuring no open or expired permits affect the property, and applying for loan and/or association approvals.
When should I engage and attorney?
The earlier in the process, the better. We recommend that you bring us in before you even sign your listing agreement with your realtor, if you are selling, and definitely before you sign a contract as either a buyer or a seller.
Why is it important to bring in an attorney before signing “standard” forms?
Once you sign a contract, it is legally binding on you and governs the transaction. We are familiar with what is included in (and what is left out of) the standard forms, and what you may need to have deleted or added to protect you for your unique situation.