With over 66 years of combined attorney experience, Bennis & Perloff, P.A., offers a multi-faceted approach to finding solutions for your legal matters. Our attorneys, Randy M. Bennis and John W. Perloff, are fully committed to providing exceptional legal services, tailored to the needs of our clients.
Above all, we pride ourselves on our effective and passionate representation of our clients, together with our ability to assist them in resolving any dispute or problem.
Randy has focused his law practice on credit unions, real estate, creditor bankruptcy representation, foreclosures, collections and litigation. He has been truly fortunate to be working with the same institutional clients for over 30 years, as well as having the pleasure of representing individual clients in multiple transactions throughout his career.
John’s law practice concentrates on real property, lending, business and related wealth management issues. Moreover, his focus is very client-specific. He is primarily a creative problem-solver and advisor, and he has enjoyed serving in this capacity for many long-term clients.